The album also contains the hits Giovane Giovane -Young Young – and Faccio Quel che Voglio – I Do What I Want. The track is just a taste of his debut album Ave Cesare – Veni, Vidi, Vici – Hail Caesar – I came, I saw, I conquered – set to be released with Sony on April 21st. I won’t forget I come from the bottom … They tell stories but we are writing history” I come from the bottom but we are flying high. E non dimenticherò che vengo dal basso…Loro raccontano storie e noi scriviamo la storia – I know who I am, they know it too, I will deserve the throne, there’s a time for everything. “ So chi sono, lo sanno anche loro, meriterò il trono e ogni cosa avrà il suo tempo. The video, directed by Angelo Guaracino, has pretty clear references to Tarantino’s Djaango Unchained and The Hateful Eight resulting in Laioung’s message being even louder. Niku Goldsteins Mortuary Delicatessen Bar 1279 N Wishon Ave 8.7 Craft beer selection is great. Jackie Apavoid this place all has a completely unprofessional owner David Ruiz FebruStay away from the micheladas. Italian-Sierra Leonean producer, rapper and musician Laïoung has just launched his latest music video Vengo Dal Basso – I come from the bottom – featuring Guè Pequeno. Ave Cesare Veni Vidi Vici Professional Owner David.