The single page Preface explains the author’s interest in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay and how, after working on Dungeons & Dragons, he wanted to work on a game he could call his own. Two pages are the front and rear covers, one page is the front matter, two pages are the Table of Contents and Foreword, four pages are the Index and one page is a character sheet.

The PDF is the version reviewed, which was purchased at the reduced price of $11.99 during a sale. In each case, the PDF and print on demand book can be purchased together for the same price as the book. The supplement is available as a 274 page PDF for $19.99 from RPGNow, as a softcover print on demand book for $39.99, a premium softcover print on demand book for $64.99 and a hardcover print on demand book for $74.99. This is the core book for the Shadow of the Demon Lord system. Schwalb is a role playing game supplement published by Schwalb Entertainment. Shadow of the Demon Lord, Schwalb Entertainment, and their associated logos are trademarks of Schwalb Entertainment, LLC.Shadow of the Demon Lord by Robert J. Want to see Shadow of the Demon Lord in action? Check out our actual plays on YouTube ! Shadow of the Demon Lord® & © 2015 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC. The token is designed by Lee Smith, and is plated in our sinister black nickel finish. In the game, Fortune Tokens can be awarded to players by the GM, and can be expended to: The front of the token shows the Demon Lord skull in terrifying 3D with the word FORTUNE, while the reverse shows the same design in 2D, designed to sit flat on the table.

The Shadow of the Demon Lord Fortune Token pack contains 6 black nickel Fortune Tokens, each 25mm diameter (about the size of a United States Quarter). Shadow of the Demon Lord® by Robert J Schwalb is a horror fantasy tabletop roleplaying game set in the last days of a dying world.